14-Day Trial of Instacart+ Membership Terms

Only new users of Instacart.com are eligible for a free 14-day trial of Instacart+. PER THE USER’S SELECTION, A RECURRING ANNUAL OR MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CHARGED AFTER THE TRIAL ENDS WITH THE CREDIT CARD ON FILE UNLESS EARLIER TERMINATED IN USER’S ACCOUNT SETTINGS. With Instacart+, the delivery fee will not be charged on orders over $35 per retailer. Delivery is subject to availability; not available in all zip/post codes. Taxes, fees, and/or tips may still apply. Use of the Instacart+ Membership is subject to the terms of Instacart+, the Instacart Terms of Service, and the Instacart Privacy Policy.

Terms for Promotional Instacart+ Code

Promo code expires on and promo term lasts through the date(s) indicated in the user’s account settings and/or as indicated in the promotional offer. AFTER THE END OF THE PROMOTIONAL TERM, A RECURRING ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CHARGED AFTER THE PROMOTIONAL TERM ENDS WITH THE CREDIT CARD ON FILE UNLESS EARLIER TERMINATED IN USER’S ACCOUNT SETTINGS. In order to take advantage of this offer, customers must have a valid account on Instacart.com with a valid form of accepted payment on file. Offer may only be redeemed once per household. Use of the Instacart+ Membership is subject to the terms of Instacart+, the Instacart Terms of Service, and the Instacart Privacy Policy. Instacart reserves the right to modify or cancel this offer at any time. The promo code cannot be used retroactively for prior purchases. Promo code may not be sold, copied, modified, or transferred. Terms may be subject to change or cancellation at any time. Void where restricted or prohibited by law. Promo code has no cash value. Instacart is not a retailer or seller. With Instacart+, the delivery fee will not be charged on orders of $35 or more per retailer. Delivery is subject to availability; not available in all zip/post codes. Taxes, fees, and/or tips may still apply.

Terms for Appeasement Instacart+ Credit

Instacart+ Terms and Conditions apply. Instacart reserves the right to modify or cancel this offer at any time. Customers must have a valid account on Instacart.com with a valid form of accepted payment on file. The credit cannot be used retroactively for prior purchases. Credit may not be sold, copied, modified, or transferred. Trial membership expires on date reported under account settings. Instacart reserves the right to modify or cancel this offer at any time. Credit has no cash value. Void where restricted or prohibited by law. Instacart is not a retailer or seller.  Instacart may not be available in all zip codes.

Terms for 5% credit back on pickup orders

If you are an eligible Instacart+ member, as indicated in your account, you will automatically be awarded credits that can be applied to eligible future orders (“Instacart+ Credits”) when placing an eligible order. The Instacart+ Credits benefit is part of a loyalty program for eligible Instacart+ members. The full balance of any Instacart+ Credits awarded to your account will expire twelve (12) months after your most recent order using the Instacart account used to earn the Instacart+ Credits regardless of whether Instacart+ Credits were awarded with respect to such order. There are no fees associated with your ability to redeem Instacart+ Credits. 

Instacart+ Credits will be earned by you only when: 

  1. A badge or notification indicating ability to earn Instacart+ Credits appears in the order cart and/or on the order checkout screen;
  2. The order meets certain criteria specified on the retailer storefront page, in the order cart or on the order checkout screen (e.g. the order is being placed for store pickup rather than delivery); and
  3. The order is placed using a valid and eligible payment method on the Instacart platform or on a participating retailer site powered by Instacart.

The amount of Instacart+ Credits to be awarded on an order will be displayed in the order cart and/or the order checkout screen and will be offered as a fixed amount or calculated as a specified percentage of the eligible order subtotal after the application of any coupons, credits or promotions and will not be awarded with respect to any amount paid for taxes, fees, and/or tips.  Instacart+ Credits will not be awarded with respect to the purchase of alcohol products, prescriptions or with respect to the value of any item in excess of $150.  Instacart reserves the right to restrict the ability to earn Instacart+ Credits with respect to additional items or item categories and based on payment method.    

Any statement regarding the specified percentage of Instacart+ Credits to be awarded with respect to an eligible order applies only to the subtotal associated with eligible items included in that order purchased using an eligible payment method after the application of any coupons, credits and/or promotions.  

Instacart+ Credits will be awarded only to the account associated with an eligible order after successful pickup or delivery of an eligible order.  The amount of Instacart+ Credits awarded may be adjusted based on any refunds, credits or promotions applied to the order after successful pickup or delivery.  In the event Instacart+ Credits are redeemed and thereafter any transaction or order for which you previously obtained and/or used Instacart+ Credits, in whole or in part, is either refunded, credited or otherwise rescinded, Instacart may, at its discretion, withhold the subsequent awarding of Instacart+ Credits.  No Instacart+ Credits will be awarded to the extent that such award would increase the total Instacart credit balance to exceed $1,500 or cause more than $2,000 of Instacart credits (including Instacart+ credits and other types of Instacart credits) to be associated with your account in a single day.  

Instacart+ Credits can only be applied to an eligible future order placed using the Instacart platform or on a participating retailer site powered by Instacart.  Instacart+ Credits may not be applied to alcohol.  Instacart may fully or partially limit the ability to apply Instacart+ Credits with certain retailers and/or to certain orders containing alcohol or prescription products.  Instacart reserves the right to restrict the ability to apply Instacart+ Credits with respect to additional items or item categories. 

If you choose to apply Instacart+ Credits to an eligible order, your Instacart+ credits will be applied to the remaining balance on eligible items prior to the application of any gift card balance associated with your account.  

Instacart+ Credits have no cash value and cannot be sold, auctioned, traded, copied, transferred, bartered, or used retroactively for prior purchases.  Void where restricted or prohibited by law.  Instacart+ Credits are not intended as gifts or for gift-giving purposes and shall not be used as “gift certificates.” Unused Instacart+ Credits cannot be redeemed for cash and may only be applied to the purchase of eligible items, subject to these terms. Instacart may not be available in all zip or postal codes.  Subject to applicable law, Instacart has the right to suspend redemption rights of your Instacart+ Credits in the event there is a dispute between you and Instacart. You will forfeit your Instacart+ Credits immediately if you are in default under these terms, the Terms of Service, or any other agreement between you and Instacart.  Instacart reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify you from participation in this program to earn and redeem Instacart+ Credits and to cancel or invalidate any Instacart+ Credits in the following events, as determined by us in our sole discretion: (i) Instacart suspects or believes you are or have engaged in activity that Instacart deems to be abusive or “gaming” conduct to generate more Instacart+ Credits; or (ii) your participation poses a risk to us or any third party. It is your responsibility to report any issue with the accrual or application of Instacart+ credits within sixty (60) days.  Any unreported issue with accrual or application will be deemed accurate and you will have waived any claim for adjustment. 

All of the provisions of these Terms are subject to change by Instacart at any time. Instacart reserves the right to expand or limit eligible orders, change award percentages, or otherwise modify or cancel this offer at any time. 

If you live in the province of Quebec:

We will provide you with notice of any changes or additions to these Terms by e-mail between 60-90 days before the change becomes effective.  If there is an addition to these terms, the notice will set out the new clause.  If there is a change to these terms, the notice will set out the amended clause and the clause as it read formerly.

These terms and all related documents have been drafted in the English language at the express request of the parties. Le présent document ainsi que tous documents s’y rattachant ont été rédigés en langue anglaise à la demande expresse des parties.

Terms for Instacart+ Discount Offers

Instacart+ discount offers are limited time offers available now through March 31, 2022 on specified items. Offers are subject to change and item availability. Users must update to the latest version of the Instacart app to see Instacart+ discount offers. Instacart+ discounts are not yet available to all Instacart+ members. Instacart reserves the right to change the selection of items subject to discounts, the number of items subject to discounts, the value and/or amount of the discounts offered, and/or discontinue the Instacart+ discount program. Discount amounts on weighted items are subject to final adjustment post-checkout. Not available at all retailers or outside the Instacart marketplace.  Discounts are not available in-store.